Wednesday, March 9, 2011

365 things - week 15

The stuff that I gave away this week is from the raiding of my altary. It is one of the places that just accumulates useless stuff over the years. When I went through everything I realised that I had way too many candleholders and other things of the 'this-might-be-useful-one-day' category. Well, now it is all gone.

I actually use the altary much more often since I decluttered and simplyfied it. It feels less weighty and serious now and much more inviting to just spend a few moments there.


A Lost Feather said...

This is such a great project! What a good idea.. I have way to many things in my "this might be useful one day" collection! It's also really cool that you're keeping track of where it's all going.

yaga said...

It is really my favourite project of 2011 so far. Once you get started it's eye-opening how little of all the stuff you have is actually needed, and how light it feels when you get rid of it!
and yes, I'm an avid listmaker, I have all the pictures numbered and keep a list of the number, description of items and where they's kinda satisfying! ;o)

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